See InnerException, if present, for more details. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.

There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. I have a test project I can submit for testing. I check it with wire shark the data is not encrypted. When I replace https with http the service works but when In my wsdl for my soad address I have a value with https. Those files are hosted within my website and the address being used all resolve correctly. I then copied thoese files to my web site's directory so they are hosted. So, I configured the service to have a static wsdl and xsd files that all contain https within their address. Without static values all urls defautl to the server's name. I added a host header to HTTPS on my web server which should enable me to avoid using static wsdl and xsd but does not. When I moved to production all the values for the urls were being read with the server's name instead of my website's address.

I was implementing https on my dev server with a self signed cert, everything worked fine. I'm trying to configure a WCF Service to work over HTTPS and I'm having a lot of issues.

WCF and HTTPS, Error: There was no endpoint listening at, This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action